Hello I have a 2015 - 2020 model HR-V that I have just bought. (65 plate) Disconcertingly the door mirrors intermittently fold in when driving and then unfold but not till after a minute or two. Has anyone any idea what might be the cause of this please?
Best wishes
Door mirrors intermittently fold in when driving
Thank you for taking the time to reply Bad Penny it is appreciated.
It was both mirrors and whilst driving forward. However I have handed the car back to the dealer because of this fault and a very wet spare wheel well. The dealer (a main dealer) did not hesitate and gave me a full refund.
Thank you once again for your assistance.
It was both mirrors and whilst driving forward. However I have handed the car back to the dealer because of this fault and a very wet spare wheel well. The dealer (a main dealer) did not hesitate and gave me a full refund.
Thank you once again for your assistance.